Thursday, May 26, 2011

Leona Explosion

OhHaiDer :]

Just a quick shout out to you guys
I've reached 1000+ hits.
Might be a small number to popular people
But it's a big number to me
And I want to thank you guys for sticking with me
...whoever you are.
Today I bring you...
Leona Explosion~

Leona Explosion

Story & Art: Kotoyoshi Yumisuke
Publisher: Shonen Gahosha
Rating: 18+ (Highly NSFW)
Synopsis: ( This is Dakichi Kamiyama. A College Student at Toudai University. He had came back to his home town to attend such a prestigious University. He happened upon a cafe where once stood a great wrestling arena lead by the "Amazoness kitty." Now three daughters remain running it. Yukihyou (Who has taken a sudden interest in him.) Ferris (A rather ditzy young woman.) And Leona (A Tsundere-ish big boobed girl with a rather "Unique" Ability in the wrestling ring.) Join Daikichi "sandbag" Kamiyama as he endures the trails ahead of him with these Bombshells.

Art Review: 4/5

Majority of the art is good, although I don't know the standards for ecchi manga, since I don't read a lot of it. There's an obvious difference in details of the girls bodies than with other things. Although maybe it is because it isn't my taste, but I don't like the character design of Ferris. She looks more deformed than anything.

Story Review: I can tell from the first page, with the pink body suits and the cat theme and the female wrestlers that this is either going to be really scary or really cheesy. And Leona is going to scare me. "Although you're a man you have no balls," she says to Daikichi. I think that girl probably has enough testosterone in her to HAVE balls. With the design of Leona, I predicted that every girl in this manga is going to have huge tits. And I was right. Allll abooooooooooard. Next stop, fanservice! But of course, beside all these macho and well endowed girls he's really wimpy. He even got beaten up by them 10 years ago. ..Mamazoness Kitty? I really don't want to know how someone came up with THAT name. Note to guys: If you ever want to get laid with a wrestler (god help you sir), they really like smart guys, as Daikichi mentions that he's going to an Ivy League school, and Yukihyori just starts hitting on him. And once again I am astounded by the fanservice. These girls' boobs are so huge, they get their own panel when someone is having a conversation with one of them. The derp faces in this manga scare me, though. What I find so amusing about this manga is that in other manga, where all the girls are really skinny and not buff at all nearly kill the heroes in the story. In this manga, these girls could actually kick your ass. Well, that's really awkward. "When she gets sexually excited she does finishing moves whether she wants to or not," There are so many jokes about this I don't even know where to start. The guy who molests Leona tells her to pay up for his hospital bills for $3000 or take a bath with him. I would think it would take a little more than $3000 to heal your emasculated soul. Besides, if you got kicked in the head for touching her boobs, what makes you think that she'll take a bath with you now? Good cheerleading, Ferris! "If you lose you will have to face my wrath!" Nothing inspires someone to win than the prospect of getting your ass whipped by another wrestler. Leona has difficulty fighting the new wrestler because the weight difference is too great. I'm surprised, her boobs are probably half her weight. And it makes me wonder, with her tendency to kill someone if they turn her on.. I wonder what would happen if you gave her an orgasm. The Kitty sisters (I can never take that seriously) have an interesting way to bring in business. "Fight your favourite waitress" I'm sure that all those people were masochistic, or weren't even planning to fight at all. That's a bad deal, though, in reality. You pay money AND you get your ass kicked. Whoever wrote this manga is terrible as a person. You mention the father may have cancer. Everyone thinks, "Aww." In a couple panels, some more fanservice and beating the bishop. When it comes to the sex scenes, there's a really awkward censor bar, which just makes the pages not at all awkward but hilarious. Also, Yukihyou, you're kind of a whore. Poor Daikichi though, throughout this whole series, he's going to have blue balls. But then again, I can't feel much pity for him, since it seems that with him making Leona fighting outfits, it looks like he just wants to see her in skimpy outfits, not helping her succeed. I know that sometimes the english translation comes out a little funny in manga, but I kinda chucked at this translation," Hmph, yeah right, like I'd be caught dead fighting a noob." I wonder what the Japanese word for noob is. Doronuma fails to win at a festival shooting game, gets all Rambo on your ass. On the courage test they hear 'ghost noises' only to find it's the sound of girls having orgasms. I fail to understand how one mistakes sex noises for ghosts. The person in the costume who beat up Yukihyou kind of looks like a combination between Cat Face and Domo. And the euphemism they use for a boner the first time is just horrifying. Elephant trunk -> Penis. Enough said. When describing Mamazoness Kitty (That's still stupid) they at one point say," She was the wrestler that used sadistic moves." It almost seems like it's being implied that there are wrestlers that use masochistic moves. Mamazoness Kitty just did a naked photo shoot. Since all these girls are terribly ripped I really wouldn't want to see them in the nude. In the manga they look all nice, but I assure you they look more like this. Near the ending, there's nothing special, just a random art change, and a terrible predictable ending. It's kind of expected though, with the terrible names and the terrible plot. I thought with the build up of suspense and rivals that this manga would go on longer and not leave things unexplained. Not that I'm complaining that this manga isn't longer, I was glad I finished it well enough.


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