Saturday, March 26, 2011


OhHaiDer :]

Waha, my internet got cut down
And will stay down for a couple days most likely
I'm sitting in a library doing this for you D:
Anyway, today I bring you..


Story & Art: Kohta Hirano
Publisher: Dark Horse Manga
Rating: Teen (13+)
Synopsis: (Back Cover) After Alucard's triumphant return, the streets of London were filled with the blood of vampire Nazi soldiers and crazed Catholic warriors. After the dust settled, only the Hellsing order of Protestant knights were left standing. Now it's up to the earthly agents of divine punishment to save the souls of the innocent. However, chaos soon engulfs the streets yet again. As it turns out, now all the Nazis were vanquished after all. Will Alucard and his allies have what it takes to save what is left of the city? Earth-shaking destruction and gore-soaked supernatural battles fill the pages of this dark and creepy-cool manga.

Art Review: 5/5

This manga truly is filled with gore and blood. Almost every other panel someone's getting their brains chopped in half, most likely because these people are vampires and immediately heal after being literally grated like cheese. The style of art adds immensely to the dark theme of this manga, although at times with all the action going on one gets confused as to what the fuck is going on. Doesn't take much away from it, the detailing is amazing, although I don't suggest reading it if you are even queasy about manga.

Story Review: This manga has to be read in its entirety to be enjoyed. Vampire mangas like this are most enjoyed animated, anyway. (Except for Vampire Knight, that piece of tripe cannot be enjoyed no matter how you put it. No, not even in the cookie form.) The concept of Nazi zombies.. I find that rather interesting. Unfortunately when I read the words Nazi zombies I immediately thought of this shit. Collegehumor's gone to mediocrity, anyway. Not the point. Nazi zombies. As if living ones weren't bad enough. Or the prospect of CRAZED CATHOLIC WARRIORS. MAY THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPEL YOU! Anyway.. This manga, I find interesting. The WW2 references are not that bad, and I find the different vernaculars used by the characters interesting to read. The fight scenes are indeed epic, and I'll say it again, if you throw up in your mouth from the sight of seeing your favorite shoujo character getting a paper cut while trying to deliver a letter to her first love, I don't think you should be reading this manga, because I'm pretty sure you will hurl your own esophagus out if you do so. I'm just saying. Another thing I notice, there is a significant lack of female characters, and this time I'm letting it slide because not a lot of women were allowed on the battlefield anyway, but why is it that the female characters that do appear have seriously huge boobs? Are you really out to get viewers that badly to increase testosterone by giving some small form of fanservice? I'm no feminist here but that's a little annoying when every shonen manga you come across there are F-cups everywhere. No matter, no matter where you go there are huge tits anyway. So idealistic, this world~ Overall, I did enjoy this manga, considering I like to stay away from vampire mangas (because no matter how much you hate to admit it, Dracula and co. have been ruined by the sparkly menaces that are the characters in Twilight. You knew that was coming, didn't you? Here are some tits as a reward~) Sometimes it's hard to follow cause there is detailing EVERYWHERE and you don't know what to look at cause it's all so SHINY (or maybe it's just me and I have a seriously bad attention span) but I thought it was a good manga. If you like gore, enjoy n.n



  1. I should probably read this... anyone who knows I like shounen and more graphic (meaning bloody) manga has told me this one is good.

  2. It is!
    You just gotta read the whole thing to enjoy it
    I read the middle, for whatever reason
    And still liked it~
    Cause I'm a bit of a history nerd

  3. I do like history. :D And vampire stories with exorcists and stuff.

  4. This should be good for you then c;
